Hi all! This is a quick update on the #SpringCleanMe challenge that I have been taking part in using the Magnitone* I have been using the device for just over 15 days and wanted to check in and document how I have been finding the experience! Please check out my first post for more details about the Magnitone and my first impressions!
Surprisingly, I have not had to charge this thing once since the first charge! Although I have only been using it in the mornings I thought I would have had to charge it by now so one point to Magnitone! The brush head has retained its shape and it is relatively easy to clean. I am quite paranoid about the brush head being as clean as possible before it goes on my face so I scrub it after every use with Dove bar soap and leave it to air dry and that seems to work out fine. Magnitone recommend that you change the brush head every three months so I am quite excited to look into the different brush attachments they offer (I will probably change it after two months because I am paranoid about these things!) . The brush really is 100% waterproof- I have used it in the shower and it has been fine!
As I mentioned in my first post, the sensation takes a bit of getting used to but after about a week, I was ok with the vibrations and it actually started to feel quite therapeutic. You can really feel the bristles getting to work on your skin and the after feeling is one of super smooth feeling skin. I did have a minor breakout after the first few uses, that nearly made me give up on using it but thankfully it did clear up after a few more days use. Although it cleared up I have stuck to only using this once a day because I think it would be a bit much for my skin if I tried to use it more :(
I definitely think that my skin feels much smoother than when I first started using the Magnitone and this has definitely been a strong selling point for me. My moisturiser and primer seem much more effective as I really feel that they are sinking in to my skin rather than just sitting on the surface. It was hard for me to replicate the same lighting in these photos as the ones in my first post so it is hard to say, but I am not convinced that the appearance of my skin has changed that much. For instance, I don't think the appearance of my scars has necessarily improved or that my face looks any brighter as a result of using the brush. Magnitone do not specifically say this will happen anyway so I cannot really complain. It serves its primary purpose, which is to deep cleanse and tone your skin and I am happy with that...
All in all I am liking how clean this gets my skin. It is really easy to use and now that I am used to the sensation I think it is more effective than manual cleansing simply for the fact that it works my cleanser deeper into my pores. I will definitely do another post at the end of the 30 days for a final update!
*This brush is a gift sent to me by Magnitone PR. This post is not sponsored. Use the code BUZZOFF to get £20 of a Magnitone Barefaced.
'Beauty in things exists in the mind which contemplates them' - David Hume
Christine x
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Veryy nice post